In the world of personal and organizational development, we often use metaphors to convey complex concepts. One such metaphor is the idea of “growing pains”. The term originally describes physical complaints that children experience as they grow. But it also has a deeper meaning that we can transfer to managers and organizations. Like children who experience physical pain as they grow, leaders and organizations go through a process of growth that is accompanied by challenges. But while children’s physical growing pains are often temporary, the growing challenges in the business world can have long-term effects.

Personal growing pains

For managers, personal growing pains can take various forms. This may include taking on new responsibilities, adapting to a changing role or developing new skills and attributes. Especially when young people are growing into their leadership role, it is important to develop personal patterns of thought and action in order to deal with these challenges and learn from them. The faster these patterns become established, the steeper the learning curve can be and the lower the risk.

Organizational growing pains

Organizations also experience growing pains. This can manifest itself in the scaling of business processes, the adaptation of corporate structures or the management of cultural changes. The challenge is to accept this pain as part of the growth process and to develop strategies to deal with it. It is important to understand that these organizational development processes do not only affect young companies. Even established companies are subject to natural development. The difference usually lies in the resources available. This is particularly important when developing and implementing strategies.

The problem with growing pains

Regardless of whether personal or organizational challenges are the subject of growing pains: Failing to address them can have massive consequences. In the best-case scenario, managers and organizations will find a way to master the current challenges. The only question is how quickly and with what result this development will take place. In my experience, a lot of potential often remains unused and high opportunity costs arise. In these cases, you can perhaps smile about it and think to yourself afterwards: “I could have done that more easily”. In many other cases, poor strategies only show their negative effects after a longer period of time. It then becomes increasingly difficult to turn the tide. As a result, some people and companies fail to keep pace with developments in the market.

Solutions and growth strength

Overcoming growing pains requires the development of growth strength on both a personal and organizational level. This means learning from challenges, adapting and becoming more resilient. Or to put it another way: to gain growth strength. For managers, this can mean reflecting on themselves, accepting support and creating options to restore, maintain or improve their own ability to act. For organizations, this can mean cultivating a culture of innovation and adaptability and activating the resources available in the team, using them in a results-oriented manner and constantly developing them. If we stay with the metaphor, it’s like with children: Successful developmental phases are associated with gaining experience and acquiring new knowledge. This is a constantly recurring process of perceiving, thinking, trying, acting, recognizing and learning.


The metaphor “From growing pains to growing power” offers a powerful way to understand the challenges of growth in personal and organizational development. By seeing these challenges as opportunities and developing strategies to deal with them, we can not only survive, but also thrive and become stronger. This applies to phases of economic growth as well as economically challenging times. Overcoming growing pains often requires external support and professional guidance. As an experienced coach and consultant specializing in organizational development and change management, I offer tailor-made solutions to accompany managers and organizations on their way from growing pains to growth strength.

Bildnachweis: IBEX.Media / Konstantin Yuganov /

Published On: 28. February 2024 / Categories: Change Management, Organisation, organizational development, Personal Development /